Dongguan City Shuofeng Electronics Co.,Ltd.Professional automotive wiring harness manufacturer
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Dongguan car harness technology and production

  With comfort, economy, security requirements continue to increase, the type of car electronic products is also increasing, the failure rate increasingly complex automotive wiring harness wiring harness also increased. This requires improving the reliability and durability harness performance, many people harness for automotive technology and production are more interested in where Ho Chi Electronics to be a simple narrative on knowledge of automotive wire harness technology and production in this area, you only need to Take a few minutes to read, you can generally understand.
  After a two-dimensional drawings automotive wiring harness out of the harness to arrange production process, the production process is the serving of the two are inseparable, so I will both automotive wiring harness production and process analysis combined together.
Harness the production of the first station is an open line process. The accuracy of the open line technology directly related to the production schedule, if an error occurs especially open lines shorter size will lead to rework all stations, and time-consuming impact on production efficiency. Therefore, the preparation process is the opening line must reasonably determine the conductor size according to the requirements of open line drawings, stripping head size.
  The second station is the opening line after crimping process, crimp terminal according to the type of the parameter determination drawings, making manual crimping operation, there are special requirements for the need to specify a file in the process and the training of operatives. For example: some need to pass through the wire after crimping the sheath before it needs to be pre-installed wire and then returns from the pre-crimping station again; there used to pierce crimping crimping tool dedicated this Species crimp has good electrical contact performance.
  Followed by pre-process, the first craft to prepare pre-installed operating instructions, in order to improve assembly efficiency, complex wiring harness must be pre-set stations, pre-process is reasonable or not directly affect the efficiency of the final assembly also reflects a technical level technology staff level. Wire path if too few or partially assembled pre-assembled unreasonable workload will increase the general assembly staff, slow line speed craft personnel should always stay so constantly sum up the scene.
  The final step is, the assembly process. Depending on the product development department can provision designed platen assembly, design tooling equipment, material and size of the box and all assembly jacket and accessories number affixed to the material in order to improve the efficiency of the cartridge assembly. The preparation and content of each station assembly requirements, balance the entire assembly station a little work to prevent excessive pull down the entire assembly line speed situation. To achieve a balance station, process cooked must operate and live in the heart of each measure working hours, at any time to adjust the assembly process.
  In addition, the process also includes the preparation of the harness material consumption quota schedule, work estimates, worker training, etc., because the value is not high-tech, these are not elaborate. Overall, automotive wiring harness in the car electronics technology content and quality, has become an important indicator evaluate vehicle performance. Automotive wiring harness manufacturers for the choice should particularly pay attention to, it is necessary to understand the next car harness technology and production.
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Key Words:Automotive Wiring Harness、Car Harness、Industrial Harness、Automotive Connectors